Knotty Notions

Square Flower Button Knot: Ashley #629

button style 4 eared flower knotback of button style 4 eared flower knot Another way to get nice ear loops all the way around your polygonal knot is to tie it button style (knobby thing that you could put through a button hole or button loop formed on top of a short stem). There are more flower-ish buttons to follow, but whether the transformation is extensible to the entire family of flower knots is a matter for further research. Now, the knot here (see left) is tied with some nice ear loops because I could, but in practice you probably want the ears tight against the body of the knot so that they don’t catch and the cord doesn’t wear out prematurely.

I’ve included a scan of the back side (see right) so you can clearly see where the ends are.

stem view of button style 4 eared flower knot Now, I’ve mashed the whole thing flat for better scanning, but that’s not the way a button is supposed to be, here’s a view of the knot tilted on it’s side (see left). I was debating whether or not to bind the ends as would be done if you were really using it for a button, but figured you could imagine it. 8)

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