Knotty Notions

The basic THCA and ZGJ tests compared

The Taiwan Hand Knitting and Crafts Association (THCA) test is listed with Chinese, pinyin and translated English names. The Chinese was OCRed from the book and verified by both myself and one other (from whom I should get permission before publishing names and links). The English name translations are largely based on Lydia Chen’s books but include my personal quirks. The purpose of including the extra information (pinyin, original machine translation info) is so that you can use the same information that I had to decide if my interpretations are correct.

檢定分級——初級 (Jiǎndìng fēnjí——chūjí)
THCA primary / Basic Test
(24 knots, 12 compound knots; pages 38-40)
01. 雙聯結		(shuāng liánjié	/	double connection knot)
02. 雙錢結		(shuāng qián jié	/ double coin knot)
03. 攀緣結(一品結)		(pānyuán jié (yīpǐn jié)	/ creeper knot)
04. 鈕釦結		(niǔ kòu jié		/ button knot)
05. 萬字結		(wàn zì jié		/ sauvastika knot)
06. 藻井結		(zǎojǐng jié		/ plafond knot)
07. 十字結(正面)		(shízì jié (zhèngmiàn)	/ cross knot (front side))
08. 酢漿草結		(cù jiāng cǎo jié		/ cloverleaf knot (square))
09. 平結			(píng jié		/ flat knot)
10. 吉祥結		(jíxiáng jié	/	good luck knot)
11. 團錦結		(tuán jǐn jié	/	round brocade knot (hexagonal))
12. 盤長結		(pán zhǎng jié		/ mystic knot)
13. 綬帶結(單線編法)	(Shòudài jié (dānxiàn biān fǎ)	/ tassel knot (singled))
14. 綬帶結(雙線編法)	(shòudài jié (shuāng xiàn biān fǎ)	/ tassel knot (standard/doubled))
15. 吉祥結(三耳)		(jíxiáng jié (sān ěr)		/ good luck knot (triangle))
16. 鈕釦(雙頭鈕)		(niǔ kòu (shuāng tóu niǔ)	/ button knot (inline))
17. 雙錢結(雙線)		(shuāng qián jié (shuāng xiàn)	/ double coin (vertically stacked))
18. 雙錢結(單線)		(shuāng qián jié (dānxiàn)	/ double coin (side by side))
19. 酢漿草結(二耳)		(cù jiāng cǎo jié (èr ěr)		/ cloverleaf knot (triangle))
20. 平結(單向編法)		(píng jié (dān xiàng biān fǎ)	/ flat knot (spiral))
21. 蛇結			(shé jié			/	snake sennit)
22. 金剛結		(jīngāng jié		/	reinforced snake sennit)
23. 琵琶結(三圈)		(pípá jié (sān quān)	/	pipa knot (3 pass))
24. 琵琶結(四圈)		(pípá jié (sì quān)	/	pipa knot (4 pass))
A01. 如意		(Rúyì			/	ru-yi knot)
A02. 口字		(kǒu zì			/	mouth knot)
A03. 繡球		(xiùqiú			/	linked ru-yi)
A04. 壽字		(shòu zì		/	longevity knot)
A05. 戟字		(jǐ zì			/	halberd character knot)
A06. 吉字		(jí zì			/	single happiness knot)
A07. 雙錢勾連(雙線編法)	(shuāng qián gōulián (shuāng xiàn biān fǎ)	/ doubly joined ring of double coin knots)
A08. 盤長應用(一)		(pán zhǎng yìngyòng (yī)	/ mystic half-ringed by linked cloverleafs (square, bottom))
A09. 盤長應用(二)		(pán zhǎng yìngyòng (èr)	/ mystic half-ringed by linked cloverleafs (square, top))
A10. 雙錢勾連(單線編法一)	(shuāng qián gōulián (dānxiàn biān fǎ yī)	/ side chained ring of double coin knots top loop out)
A11. 盤長蝴蝶(正)		(pán zhǎng húdié (zhèng)	/ mystic butterfly w double coin wings)
A12. 盤長蝴蝶(倒)		(pán zhǎng húdié (dào)	/ inverted mystic butterfly w double coin wings)

The Chinese Knot Art Network (ZGJ) test is listed in Chinese with English translations (first the machine translation, then my interpretation, unless they are the same). Confusingly (sorry!) sometimes more than one knot is included in an item and the same ‘/’ separates them as I used to separate my translations from the machine translations (it’s so hard to get good help these days!). The links provided are from the study guide linked immediately below.
标题: 学习中国绳结艺术分级达标-初级大纲
ZGJ Learning Chinese knot art grading standards - Basic test
(25 knots + tassel + 11 compound knots or projects)

一.单结和流苏 (Single knot and tassels)

  1. 双联结 (Double connection)

  1. 纽扣结 (button knot)

  1. 双钱结 (Double money knot / double coin knot)

  1. 蛇结 (Snake knot / snake sennit)

  1. 金刚结 (Diamond King Kong / reinforced snake sennit)

  1. 平结 (Flat knot / solomon bar / portugese sennit, half knot spiral)

  1. 十字结 (Cross knot)

  1. 斜卷结 (oblique roll knot / double half hitch / friendship bracelet knot)

  1. 8字结 (8 word knot / figure 8 knot / leaf knot)

  1. 十字吉祥结 (Cross auspicious knot / crown sennit: spiral, not spiral)

  1. 琵琶结 (Pipa knot)

  1. 吉祥结 (Auspicious knot / good luck knot: square, triangle)
freehand method:

  1. 酢浆草结 (Oxalid knot / cloverleaf knot: square, triangle)

  1. 盘长结:(二回,三回) [long plate knot / pan chang / mystic knot (two back / 2x2, three back 3x3)]
2x2 freehand video:

  1. 秘鲁结 (Peru knot / long knot / multiple overhand knot)
freehand video:

  1. 左右轮结 (round of rotation / alternating half hitch sennit)

  1. 凤尾结 (Pteris junction / phoenix tail sennit)

  1. 冰花结 (Ice flower knot)

  1. 雀头结 (bird head knot / larks head knot / cow hitch)
    graphic tutorial:

  2. 六瓣花结 (Six petals / hexagonal (6 strand) crown sennit)

  1. 流苏 (tassel)

二.应用组合 (Application Portfolio)

A01. 平结手链 (Flat knot bracelet / half knot spiral bracelet)

A02. 双钱环(纽扣环) [Double money ring (button ring) / double coin ring / 4 bight 3 lead turk’s head ring)'s-head-4-bight-3-lead.htm

A03. 金刚结手链 (Diamond knot bracelet / double coin + reinforced snake knot bracelet)

A04. 蛇结,斜卷结应用:七星手链 (Snake knot, oblique roll knot Application: Seven Star Bracelet)

A05. 酢浆草应用 (Oxalis Application / compound cloverleaf knots)
1) 酢浆草如意 (Sorrel wishful / ru-yi knot)
2) 酢浆草口字 (Sorrel mouth word / ring of 4 square cloverleaf knots chained by side ears)

A06. 双联结,盘长结,流苏应用:盘长小包饰 (Snake knot, oblique roll knot Application: Seven Star Bracelet)
From top to bottom: Double knot, double knot long knot, double knot, tassel. (This is not a tutorial)
From top to bottom: double connection knot, 2x2 pan chang/mystic knot, double connection knot, tassels

A07. 十字吉: 祥结应用:童心:编一个就行。
Cross auspicious knot application: innocence: a series on the line.
Crown sennit heart with self intersecting loop.

A08. 冰花手链 (Ice flower bracelet)
Need to compile a complete bracelet, line 6, at least more than 11, Line 5, at least 9

A09. 冰花如意组合:(两种方法都可以) [Ice wishful combination: (two methods can be) / 4 into 1 ice flowers + double connection compound knot]
1) 固定板上制作教程 (Fixed board production tutorial)
2) 徒手教程 (freehand tutorial)

A10. 六瓣花手链 (Six flower bracelet / hexagonal (3 strand, 6 part) cross knot)

The following is an attempt at a concordance between the 2 tests. The abbreviations can be interpreted as follows:
B - Basic test
I - Intermediate test
A - Advanced test
A - Application (compound knot or project)
So, TB05 is the fifth item of the THCA Basic test. ZIA06 is the 6th item of the ZGJ Intermediate test in the Applications section. Sometimes there is an “a” or “b” which indicates the first or second knot when the ZGJ test has put more than one knot into an item number. Also, in one case they numbered them themselves as in the case of ZBA05-1. Sometimes there is no match at all, and in that case I put ‘–’ and the name of the knot/application in question.

TB01 = ZB01
TB02 = ZB03
TB03 = ZI06
TB04 = ZB02
TB05 = ZI07
TB06 = ZI08
TB07 = ZB07
TB08 = ZB13
TB09 = ZB06a
TB10 = ZB12
TB11 = ZI04a
TB12 = ZB14
TB13 = -- tassel knot singled
TB14 = ZI05
TB15 = ZB12b
TB16 = ZI03
TB17 = --
TB18 = --
TB19 = ZB13b
TB20 = ZBA01
TB21 = ZB04
TB22 = ZB05
TB23 = -- 3 pass pipa
TB24 = ZB11
TBA01 = ZBA05-1
TBA02 = ZBA05-2
TBA08 = ZIA02
TBA12 = ZIA06

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