Blogiversary Knot Centre Bead
Here’s a progress shot of black version with the centre bead in place. Pretty, no? 8)
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Here’s a progress shot of black version with the centre bead in place. Pretty, no? 8)
No way to tell if grey or black will go better with those hexagonal beads but to do it. Plus, if I give one away then I can keep the other one. That or give it away for the next thing…
In any case, this is a progress shot. I’ve already started to put knots together with beads and I’m liking the grey, but the little beads should maybe be bigger. We’ll see how it looks when it’s done.
I finally successfully tied and tightened the type 2 hexagonal stellar knot. It’s nice but the centre hole is not as big as I’d hoped. So, it’s back to the standard stellar knot with fewer overlaps, methinks.
So, my one month blogiversary give away tassel is incomplete and late for which I apologize, but then you are late too. Despite Google Analytics telling me that there are about 100 of you who have visited the site more than 100 times (which is interesting because there’s only about 60 blog postings), no one left a comment on the original blogiversary posting, so were it done I would have had to keep it in any case.
Read more As previously mentioned, I decided to tie the hexagonal type 2 stellar knot with my nice and graphic shoelace in hopes of gaining insight as to what exactly was going wrong. As you can see from the picture to the left, I didn’t succeed in tying the knot any better with the shoelace, but I did gain insight: