Knotty Notions

Knotty Notions - page 25 of 41

Blogiversary Knot Final Knots

hexagonal stellar knot with overlap of one in blackhexagonal stellar knot with overlap of one in grey No way to tell if grey or black will go better with those hexagonal beads but to do it. Plus, if I give one away then I can keep the other one. That or give it away for the next thing…

In any case, this is a progress shot. I’ve already started to put knots together with beads and I’m liking the grey, but the little beads should maybe be bigger. We’ll see how it looks when it’s done.

Square Flower Button Knot: Ashley #629

button style 4 eared flower knotback of button style 4 eared flower knot Another way to get nice ear loops all the way around your polygonal knot is to tie it button style (knobby thing that you could put through a button hole or button loop formed on top of a short stem). There are more flower-ish buttons to follow, but whether the transformation is extensible to the entire family of flower knots is a matter for further research. Now, the knot here (see left) is tied with some nice ear loops because I could, but in practice you probably want the ears tight against the body of the knot so that they don’t catch and the cord doesn’t wear out prematurely.

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Inline 2x2 Mystic Knot: Ashley #589

inline 2x2 mystic knot tied in black edged white shoelaceuntidy back of an inline 2x2 mystic knot tied in black edged white shoelace Now the illustration/instructions for Ashley #589 is of the line and circle (indicating unders) variety. It is extremely difficult to visualize from that, especially for a knot of this complexity. He recommends enlarging the diagram and pinning everything down very carefully. Well, I was winging it freehand, and I’m pretty sure it’s not right, at least the “back side” looks like there’s a mistake (see right). The “front” side on the other hand, looks reasonable except that the loose ends extending through the loops are back to front versus front to back as in the diagram.

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