Knotty Notions

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When Wire Almost Behaves Like Fibre

When Wire Almost Behaves Like Fibre

square flower knot with beads So, I had this scrap of wire in my wire working box (cutters, pliers, cup burs, etc) and it was… 20cm long or so. What had I originally cut it for? What had I cut it off of? Dunno, but is it long enough to do anything with? Often when I’ve got some cord scrap in my hands they will do what they so frequently do: flower knots, button knots, double connection, double coin, etc. So, this little bit of wire, could I tie a flower knot in it with some beads? How would it look with such a small gauge of wire?

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Basics: Knot Anatomy: The Making Of: Part 3

black, white, and grey hexagonal flower To better illustrate the midpoint I redid this knot with one of my fused cords. These cords that I often use to tie example knots are actually shoelaces, sold locally as “oval shoelaces”. They look like president’s cord with the edge parts in a contrasting colour. I would love to find some real president’s cord in these designs as (a) shoelaces are a very expensive way to get string and (b) shoelaces are meant for dragging through the muck and aren’t exactly woven in a very refined way, so (c) real president’s cord takes the curves better and would probably have made a fine double coin example.

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