Link Dump 2009.05.24b
A. G. Lindsay writes an article about how to finish your braids (15 pages). (via)
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A. G. Lindsay writes an article about how to finish your braids (15 pages). (via)
I started by binding the tassel neck with a thin black cord. Then after I finished the black version with a beaded tassel neck I decided that the grey version needed more “bling”. To contrast with the randomly beaded neck, plus because I had already put an orderly black whipping on the grey tassel neck, I decided an orderly, lightly beaded design was the way to go. Starting with a round of beads (3 black, 1 silver) around the top and bottom of the existing whipping, I also added a smattering of silver beads to the whipping itself.
Having finished the grey knot off with little black beads I knew I wanted bigger beads (if the package had sizes I would tell you what they are, but there’s no label and I can’t really guess). I started with the clear and they’re actually a smidge on the large side. They work nicely with the knot itself giving a kind of dew drop effect, but they crowd the middle, overly obscuring the middle stone.
The “back” side (see right) is the first side I worked on. I think the bead placement is sometimes sub-optimal. On the “front” side (see left), I made sure to sew the beads higher up on the cords so that they couldn’t roll under and hide. I also pulled the cords very tight which ended up covering more of the centre bead with cord, after all that time I spent looking for a knot with a nice big centre hole to showcase the beads.
Even so, I’m pleased with the results (it’s certainly a successful proof of concept work). Now it just needs a tassel and it’s done.
Here’s a progress shot of black version with the centre bead in place. Pretty, no? 8)