Knotty Notions

Link Dump 2009.02.28b

Pretty Pictures
I am subscribed to a number of braiding/kumihimo mailing lists, but for one reason or another have not been reading them for most of a year now. Which, of course, means that they’ve been building up in an unmanageable mass waiting for me. I’ve been trying to chip away at them now that I’ve decided I should in my usual manner (try to keep current and plow through a minimum number of old messages while I’m at it, eventually I’ll be completely caught up until the next time I go out of town or whatever). So, some of the links I’m posting here are quite old. Them’s the breaks.

Makiko Tada, goddess of braiding, has many albums with many photos of braiding events and braids.

I’ve only just discovered the Curious Weaver Journal, a magazine that was published 1995-1996. It’s all online now in PDFs. The contents of each issue are listed at the below link.

A Canadian crafter experiments with her square foam kumihimo plate

Kharisma Ryantori has discovered kumihimo

An SCAer wonders what she can do with her braids (kumihimo and Viking whipcords)

An Etsian wonders about the durability and wearability of a kumihimo necklace she has made.

A spinner tries kumihimo on an octagonal foam plate

A bead shop gives kumihimo classes. They blog but do not tell us where they are. sigh

An artisan in Tucson, Arizona has discovered kumihimo and made some pendant necklace cords.

Vondalee Paulson braids with embroidery floss (looks like kongo).

An Etsian from Maine has won her groups artist of the month with a beaded kumihimo necklace.

Things to buy
Jeanette Savina Cobb sells a kumihimo beaded bracelet tutorial (PDF only) on Etsy

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