Link Dump 2010.06.07
So, I was looking through my Japanese and Korean books looking for creeper and double coin references and came across what looks like a creeper reference in “한국매듭” which I’ll blog more about when I figure out how to type Korean (or I could do what I did to get this book title onto the computer which is look at a page of related text and pick out characters to cut and paste together). Then I had a look at my copy of Elegant Knotted Jewelry by Becky Meverden and there were double coin knots and romanized Korean: “nalgae”. Sounded plausible. Sounded familiar… Checking out my maedup translation grid we see nalgae is the name of the sauvastika knot. It’s a wing knot, but it’s a dragonfly wing, not a butterfly wing. sigh A search of Google Images bears that out.
On the flip side, a search for nalgae brings us to Sarah’s blog where she ties the double coin knot calling it the nalgae maedeup because she’s using Becky’s book. sigh But Sarah’s blog is an excellent find (although either I found it before from a different blog server or there’s another expat Canadian with small kids blogging about maedeup in Korea. Possible, I suppose) because she reminds us of Jogakbo and introduces us to Gmarket.
Along the way I bump into an online Korean bookseller. Even if you’re not interesting in international purchases that where you’re kind of blindly filling out forms in a language you can’t really read, this site has the excellent habit of putting the whole table of contents on the book listing page. So the table of contents for 매듭 만들기 : 아름다운 우리 전통 and 매듭 and 전통매듭 in wonderfully useful cut and paste-able form.
Then, since I needed to go to Richmond anyways, I decide to order some books while I’m there. I go to SUP in Aberdeen Mall and order 舞動流蘇:創意穗子系列 which they say is going to take 2 months. sigh
After a brief stop at Beard Papa’s for an eclair with banana filling, I walk over to Iwase Books in Yaohan Centre to order はじめての中国結び—伝統技法で作るアクセサリーと生活雑貨. Since I’m on a roll, I order 図解 はじめての飾り結び
and 図解 初めての飾り結び 2
too. I’m only mildly interested in them, it’s the first one I want. When I get there, I discover that they’ve moved the craft section to the other side of the shelf it usually lives on and they’ve lost almost all of the bead books. This makes me sad but doesn’t interfere with the rest of the plan. 6-8 weeks says the lady after taking a deposit since I opted for boat versus plane.
So, I’m a bit down about the delayed gratification, extreme edition, when the phone rings. It’s Iwase saying that they can’t get the book I was most interested in. Sadness. Do I order direct from Amazon Japan? Do I hang any hope on the “we don’t think…”?
Brooding, I happen across an email from a couple of guys in Ontario that want to start up a Canadian branch of the IGKT. I don’t know what the point of all the splintering is about. Considering the distances I’m just as likely to go to the big North American Branch meeting as I am to go to the UK for theirs. South Carolina, Hamilton, Massachusetts, … even LA is not going to be a regular/annual trip. They’re all a long way from Vancouver (although, if they manage to hold a meeting close to one on the big figure skating events that regularly roll through Hamilton… 8). In any case, these are the guys and we’ll see where it goes:
Some of the books mentioned in this post:
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