Knotty Notions

Globe Knot Beads Part 3

pink globe knot with 18 facets This one has 18 facets (18JBD). The base bead is less football shaped (kinda pointy towards the poles, vaguely oval/eye shaped in cross section) and more oblate. The best I could do on short notice, but overall I like the resulting globe knot better. The question is do I like it better because of the core bead shape or because of the more facets to the globe? I’m going with the facet idea.

Administrivia: reflecting back on the fortnight or so that I’ve been blogging, this is the length of post I had envisaged, rather than the multi-page magazine articles I’ve been writing. I’m thinking this is much more sustainable, not that that’s going to stop me from going on and on at some later point. 8)

Also, I’ve been watching my statistics. Apparently, of the 190 unique visitors, only 51 or so have visited more than once. But, is that true? If you read from the RSS feed vs direct site visit, does it show up on the stats? I could read up on the matter (and probably will) or I could run a contest and see how many people I can pull out of the woodwork (I’ll probably do that too 8). Whaddaya think? Contest? Knotty prizes? I know! Silk cord. Not simulated silk or silk-like, real silk cord. How should we pick the winner? Let me think on that, but don’t let me stop you from kibitzing! 8)

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