Knotty Notions

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Good Luck Variations 8b: Corner Counter Crown

4 sided good luck corner counter crown knot variantback of 4 sided good luck corner counter crown knot variant Take your good luck corner crown and instead of crowning counter clockwise followed by clockwise, try clockwise followed by clockwise. And this is the result (see right, note that counter clockwise followed by counter clockwise would have the same result but mirrored). Getting the tension right so that the knot was stable was actually quite difficult and aesthetically, IMHO, not worth it. Another asymmetrical knot, the back (see left) is also uninteresting.

Good Luck Variations 0b: Reverse Crown

4 sided good luck knot reverse crown variant Looking at the variants, I saw some gaps I thought to fill in. Knowing in advance that those gaps were probably there for a good and valid reason, I did it anyways. Starting back at the beginning, complete the first step of the good luck knot and then flip it over (reverse it), then crown the side loops right over the corner loops. You are left with the good luck reverse crown knot like the good luck knot with no corner loops and a central body that seems twice as thick as the usual good luck knot thickness.

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