Knotty Notions

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The Creeper Knot (攀緣結, 당초매듭) in Korean

Using the Korean keyboard on my iPhone (much nicer than anything I could quickly find online for free), I am able to type the name of the knot I found, and the name of the book I found it in. Let’s start with the knot: 당초매듭 (dang-cho-mae-deup) which machine translates as “initially the knot” or “initial knot” a translation that lacks both poetry and, I suspect, gist. But, searching with “당초매듭” finds us this web page: which, after I turned off a few security settings, shows us… a creeper knot! Jackpot!

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Basics: Knot Anatomy: The Making Of: Part 5

creeper knot in black, white and greyback of creeper knot in black, white and grey So here’s the creeper knot. You’ll notice the free ends extending to either side versus the usual free ends making up an ear of the knot. That’s because the creeper is meant to wrap around an object, like the bow on a package. The description in the book makes me think that she maybe wanted “vine” versus “creeper” but…

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