Beaded sinnet foam tool
Before I made a stand to do beaded crown sinnets with, I first did it by hand and then made a foam tool. This is the story of the foam tool.
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Before I made a stand to do beaded crown sinnets with, I first did it by hand and then made a foam tool. This is the story of the foam tool.
Read moreI'm taking one of those massive open online courses from Coursera, in particular, the Design class and foolishly decided, as my class project, to work on my current obsession, making a beaded sinnet stand. As part of my class, I'm supposed to gather 5 peers who are experiencing the same problem and interview them (among other things, that will be revealed to me as the class progresses). So, I need your help for my class! More on that at the end of the post.
As mentioned in my review of the globe knot book, my bead group wanted to learn some globe knots so I picked 18JBD for it’s relative simplicity (facet number) and snazzy appearance. Of course, in order to follow the instructions from the book, one is going to need a tool. Since buying the official tool just to try one knot seems little excessive, I came up with a makeshift tool that should cost pennies to construct.
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