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Well, Vancouver’s Maker Faire has been turning out gangbusters, as I expected. The crowd is inquisitive and hands-on with the learning displays. Willing and interested in trying out knots. Wanting to know about workshops or local guild meetings. I was sad to report that the PAB meetings are in Los Angeles, but with the level of interest I was observing I see no reason we can’t have our own… branch? sub-branch? meetings!
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Vancouver’s first Maker Faire is happening June 25-26th, 2011 and I’ll be there representing the Pacific Americas Branch of the International Knot Tyers Guild. I’ll have a variety of make-and-take projects and will give the occasional rope making demo (participatory!) using (repurposing) plastic grocery bags (in the spirit of the event).
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Marion's Jewels in Fiber
So, I’m going to the Bay area for Xmas this year and I was thinking: what do I want to do when I go there. Y’know other than shop. 8) And what I thought is that I’d really like to take one of Marion’s workshops. Sure, I could probably experiment and figure out how to do the beaded edging on the donuts or how to get the lovely smoothly aligned yarns on her braids, but why should I? 8)
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