Chinese, Japanese and Korean Blogs
Feeling unequal to the task of dealing with my massive backlog of links that I need to post at the time, I decided to fiddle with the blog itself. I put in a blogroll on the side, and a Google gadget to translate the page for people who would like a translation (I didn’t read the source code before I included it, bad, Carol!, I wonder if the readers need enough English to read the “Google Translate” part… 8). I’m going to try it to see if it will translate all the non-English bits that are in this post into English. 8)
In any case, I was noticing that after the first few, the postings some of the blogs (while the content might be nice) were posted to very infrequently, at least of late (I should talk, eh?).
But, these topics, I would hope, are ones that could be covered in China/Taiwan, Korea, and Japan with probably greater skill, enthusiasm and local appreciation (not to mention other fun places like Singapore and the like).
My current automated searches were not turning up things that are not written in English, so could I, could I….?
I took Google’s blog search ( and changed the .com with .cn ( which gives you Google’s blog search in China. Then, of course, I needed to search for 中国结 versus Chinese knotting. Jackpot!
The first star is dbpurple, a graphic designer that often posts lovely Chinese knots, often with process photos and how-to information. The images have watermarks from different sites, so I don’t know if dbpurple is reposting or just storing images on different image servers. More to come as I slowly process them.
Meanwhile, I’ve set up automatic searches for:
- くみひも(kumihimo)
- 中国結び (Chinese knotting in Japanese)
- 中国结 (Chinese knotting, simplified, Mainland China)
- 中國結 (Chinese knotting, traditional, Taiwan and elsewhere)
- 仕覆結 (tea bag knots, in Japanese)
- 水引 (mizuhiki in Japanese)
- 花結び (flower knot in Japanese)
- 매듭(knot in Korean) </ul> Stay tuned for updates (really, there will be updates! 8)
Google translate into English
more translation fun