Canada Day 2010
A maple leaf for Canada Day. What can I say, maybe next year I’ll knot a beaver or a moose. 8)
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A maple leaf for Canada Day. What can I say, maybe next year I’ll knot a beaver or a moose. 8)
So, I was looking through my Japanese and Korean books looking for creeper and double coin references and came across what looks like a creeper reference in “한국매듭” which I’ll blog more about when I figure out how to type Korean (or I could do what I did to get this book title onto the computer which is look at a page of related text and pick out characters to cut and paste together). Then I had a look at my copy of Elegant Knotted Jewelry by Becky Meverden and there were double coin knots and romanized Korean: “nalgae”. Sounded plausible. Sounded familiar… Checking out my maedup translation grid we see nalgae is the name of the sauvastika knot. It’s a wing knot, but it’s a dragonfly wing, not a butterfly wing. sigh A search of Google Images bears that out.
Lately I’ve been working on many different things and for some reason not finishing any of them. sigh
This was the last letter completed (although I am still fiddling with the letter ‘O’) because I knew I wanted to use inspiration from John Hensel’s Book of Ornamental Knots but misplaced it a for good long while (sadly there seems to be distinct theme there). Using one of the epaulet type knots (will look up and correct later) for the crossbar merged with the infinitely extensible prolong knot for the stem, it ended up looking pretty much as envisaged. It felt quite like mathematical knotwork when pulling and stretching the cord during stem construction.
Since the double coin didn’t like being tied in president’s cord it seemed best to use regular satin cord and, for colour contrast, outline in black.