Finished Instructions for The Double Coin Knot (雙錢結, 淡路結び)
Finished up the instructions for the double coin knot (雙錢結, 淡路結び).
Finished up the instructions for the double coin knot (雙錢結, 淡路結び).
Lately I’ve been working on many different things and for some reason not finishing any of them. sigh
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The Adachi Kumihimo shop/gallery (安達くみひも館) in Kyoto. Some shop products including marudai, kakudai, takadai, tama and silk</a>
You see the pictures of Korean braiding stands from time to time. The hard core Korean knot tyers braid their own cord. It’s a beautiful piece of machinery and just as a sculptural object, nifty looking. I have yearned after one for years.
Read moreNote: another linkdump in progress that was never posted. Where was my head?
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