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The THCA has a specifically labelled instructor or teacher test
consisting mostly of hoop flowers (turks head mats) and hollow mystic
knots with a few fun cloverleaf and mystic knot variants. The ZGJ
set of tests cover perhaps a third of the (admittedly repetitious)
content here. The ZGJ advanced test also sprints completely into the
wilderness, relatively speaking, with complex and involved projects.
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The THCA advanced test knots are exclusively pan chang/mystic knot
variants. The compound knot section consist of two (2) more elaborate
amphora knot variants.
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The easiest way for me to enter Chinese text is by typing English text
and getting something to translate it for me. Generally speaking this
does 60% of the job. Then there are the characters that are more
difficult to translate, so I need to enter them directly. For this
task I like to write the characters into a system that does Chinese
handwriting recognition. For this job I used the free iTranslate iPhone
app and the nciku dictionary.
I used the iTranslate app, mostly because I was out, but it had the
added advantage of quickly swapping the Chinese and English back and
forth from the translate/translated windows for refinement of the
desired characters. Also, unlike the other translation apps on my
phone, iTranslate allowed me to get the data out (via
email in this case). Apparently iTranslate is “powered by Google” and
indeed once I got home I also used Google Translate
with largely the same results although there is no handwriting
recognition involved there.
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I’ve discovered the youTube channel of a 60 year old person (int301) in Taiwan which consists entirely of Chinese knotting instructions. The videos are silent, so the only language issue is the titles of the videos themselves. That’s where I can help a bit. 8) The following translations are not formal with canonical knot names, they’re just off the cuff notes I took for myself when I was looking at the videos
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Feeling unequal to the task of dealing with my massive backlog of links that I need to post at the time, I decided to fiddle with the blog itself. I put in a blogroll on the side, and a Google gadget to translate the page for people who would like a translation (I didn’t read the source code before I included it, bad, Carol!, I wonder if the readers need enough English to read the “Google Translate” part… 8). I’m going to try it to see if it will translate all the non-English bits that are in this post into English. 8)
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